Author: Indigo Curnick
Date: 2024-05-05
Exercise 8
In this question we are asked to explore the consequences of assignment, and to write a function f
such that evaluating f(0) + f(1)
from 0 if evaluated from left to right and 1 if evaluated from right to left.
function createF() {
let value = 0;
return function(x) {
let old_value = value;
value = x;
return old_value;
const f = createF();
f(0) + f(1)
Exercise 13
In this question we are working with the following function
function make_cycle(x) {
set_tail(last_pair(x), x);
return x;
We then define
const z = make_cycle(list("a", "b", "c"));
What happens if we compute last_pair(z)
? In that instance the last_pair
function will iterate forever and never terminate, since z
is a cycle.
Exercise 17
In this exercise we are asked to devise a function count_pairs
which counts the number of pairs in a given structure.
function countPairs(x) {
let visited = new Set();
function count(x) {
if (!Array.isArray(x) || x.length !== 2) {
return 0;
} else if (visited.has(x)) {
return 0;
} else {
return count(x[0]) + count(x[1]) + 1;
return count(x);
Here I use a JavaScript Set
to keep track of unique pairs
Exercise 18
In this exercise we are asked to write a function which checks whether a list contains any kinds of loops
function hasCycle(x) {
function hasVisited(n, visited) {
if (visited.length === 0) {
return false;
} else if (n === visited[0]) {
return true;
} else {
return hasVisited(n, visited.slice(1));
function iter(x, visited) {
if (!x) {
return false;
} else if (hasVisited(x, visited)) {
return true;
} else {
return iter(x.slice(1), [x].concat(visited));
return iter(x, []);
Exercise 19
In this exercise, we are asked to solve Exercise 17 again, but using a constant amount of space. For this, we can use the Floyd's tortoise and hare algorithm.
function hasCycle(x) {
function run(tortoise, hare) {
if (!tortoise || !hare || ! || ! {
return false;
} else if ( === {
return true;
} else {
return run(,;
return run(x,;
Exercise 21
In this question, we are dealing with printing out a queue structure that was defined just before in the text. Specifically, it seems to be printing out some elements twice, for instance
const q1 = make_queue();
insert_queue(q1, "a");
[["a", null], ["a", null]]
insert_queue(q1, "b");
[["a", ["b", null]], ["b", null]]
[["b", null], ["b", null]]
[null, ["b", null]]
So, what's happening here? The issue really comes down to the interpreter not understanding the internals of the queue representation. The reason the last queue element appears twice is that the rear_ptr
is also pointing into the same list the front_ptr
points into. We can solve this by making our own print function which just prints the front_ptr
function printQueue(q) {
Exercise 31
In this question we are asked why when accept_action_function
defined in make_wire
specifies that when a new action is added to a wire, that function is immediately run. This is because we need to execute an action in order to store it in the agenda. If we didn't do this the simulation would fail!
Exercise 32
This question asks why the agenda is a FIFO queue rather than LIFO queue. This is because we need each action run to incorporate all previous changes. In other words, the order of execution matters!
Exercise 34
Louis Reasoner proposes a squerer device
function squarer(a, b) {
return multiplier(a, a, b);
The flaw in this idea is that the multiplier
as already defined does not know that two of its inputs are the same. Thus, with only one input it can not solve the multiplication equation.
Exercise 35
We are asked to complete the implementation of squarer
function squarer(a, b) {
function processNewValue() {
if (b.hasValue()) {
if (b.getValue() < 0) {
throw new Error("square less than 0 -- SQUARER " + b.getValue());
} else {
a.setValue(Math.sqrt(b.getValue()), me);
} else {
b.setValue(Math.pow(a.getValue(), 2), me);
function processForgetValue() {
function me(request) {
if (request === 'I-have-a-value') {
} else if (request === 'I-lost-my-value') {
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown request -- SQUARER " + request);
connect(a, me);
connect(b, me);
return me;
Exercise 37
In this exercise we are asked to define "constraint" version of arithmetic operations - cminus
, cmul
, cdiv
, cv
(constant value) that allow us to define a simpler celsius_fahrenheit_converter
function celsiusFahrenheitConverter(x) {
return cAdd(
function cAdd(x, y) {
let z = makeConnector();
adder(x, y, z);
return z;
function cSub(x, y) {
let z = makeConnector();
adder(y, z, x);
return z;
function cMul(x, y) {
let z = makeConnector();
multiplier(x, y, z);
return z;
function cDiv(x, y) {
let z = makeConnector();
multiplier(y, z, x);
return z;
function cv(x) {
let y = makeConnector();
constant(x, y);
return y;
Exercise 38
In this question Peter, Paul and Mary share a joint bank account that initially contains $100. Concurrently, Peter deposits $10, Paul withdraws $20 and Mary withdraws half of the money in the account. In other words, they execute the following commands
- Peter:
balance = balance + 10
- Paul:
balance = balance - 20
- Mary:
balance = balance - (balance / 2)
We are asked to list the possible different values depending on the execution order we might end up with
- Peter Paul Mary (100 + 10 - 20) / 2 = 45
- Peter Mary Paul (100 + 10) / 2 - 20 = 35
- Paul Peter Mary (100 - 20 + 10) / 2 = 45
- Paul Mary Peter (100 - 20) / 2 + 10 = 50
- Mary Peter Paul 100 / 2 + 10 - 20 = 40
- Mary Paul Peter 100 / 2 - 20 + 10 = 40
This shows how important getting the order right is!!
Exercise 3.39
Above this question a serialiser is defined, which I won't write out. We redefine the serialiser as
let x = 10;
const s = make_serializer();
concurrent_execute( () => { x = s( () => x*x)();},
s( () => { x = x * x * x;}) );
which of the five original possible values remain?
- 121: P2 increments
to 11 and then P1 setsx
tox * x
- 100: P1 accesses
twice, then P2 setsx
to 11, then P1 setsx
to 100 - 101: P1 sets
to 100 and then P2 incrementsx
to 101
Exercise 40
Give all possible values of x
that can result from executing
let x = 10;
concurrent_execute( () => { x = x * x; },
() => { x = x * x * x; } );
Which of the possibilities remain if we increase use the serialised form
let x = 10;
const s = make_serializer();
concurrent_execute( s( () => {x = x * x; }),
s( () => { x = x * x * x; }) );
Without a serialiser we can get
- 100: P1 reads two
of 10, P2 setsx
to 1000, P1 setsx
to 100 - 1000: P2 reads three
of 10, P1 setsx
to 100, P2 setsx
to 1000 - 10,000: P2 reads two
of 10, P1 setsx
to 100, P2 reads onex
of 10, P2 sets x to 10,000 - 100,000: P2 reads one
of 10, P1 setsx
to 100, P2 gets twox
of 100, P2 setsx
to 100,000 - 1,000,000: P1 sets
to 100 then P2 setsx
to 1,000,000
With a serialiser the only option left is 1,000,000
Exercise 41
Ben Bitdiddle rewrites the bank account code as follows
function make_account(balance) {
function withdraw(amount) {
if (balance > amount) {
balance = balance - amount;
return balance;
} else {
return "Insufficient funds";
function deposit(amount) {
balance = balance + amount;
return balance;
const protect = make_serializer();
function dispatch(m) {
return m === "withdraw"
? protect(withdraw)
: m === "deposit"
? protect(deposit)
: m === "balance"
? protect( () => balance)(undefined)
: error(m, "unknown request -- make_account");
return dispatch;
Does Ben Bitdiddle need to worry about this? It depends whether the reading and writing operations are atomic!
If they are atomic, then no additional protections are needed. This is because reading the balance has no impact on the value of the balance.
If they are not atomic, then this protection is needed, as then a read might happen half way through a write, and an invalid read operation occurs.
Exercise 42
Ben Bitdiddle then wants to look at performance and rewrites the account code as follows
function make_account(balance) {
function withdraw(amount) {
if (balance > amount) {
balance = balance - amount;
return balance;
} else {
return "Insufficient funds";
function deposit(amount) {
balance = balance + amount;
return balance;
const protect = make_serializer();
const protect_widthdraw = protect(withdraw);
const protect_deposit = protect(deposit);
function dispatch(m) {
return m === "withdraw"
? protect_withdraw
: m === "deposit"
? protect_deposit
: m === "balance"
? balance
: error(m, "unknown request -- make_account");
return dispatch;
Is it safe for Ben Bitdiddle to do this? Yes! This version makes no concurrent difference, although it saves time remaking the protect
functions every time
Exercise 44
Ben Bitdiddle is back on the scene - he is not claiming that if multiple people are transferring money between multiple accounts then we only need the following
function transfer(from_account, to_account, amount) {
Louis Reasoner think there's a problem here and we need something more sophisticated. However, Louis is not right. The difference between the transfer problem and the exchange problem is that in the transfer problem no new variable (difference
in exchange) is introduced. It is this internal variable which gives rise to concurrency issues!
Exercise 45
Louis Reasoner is back again: this time he thinks the whole system is too complex. He proposes the following system
function make_account_and_serlializer(balance) {
function withdraw(amount) {
if (balance > amount) {
balance = balance - amount;
return balance;
} else {
return "Insufficient funds";
function deposit(amount) {
balance = balance + amount;
return balance;
const balance_serializer = make_serializer();
return m => m === "withdraw"
? balance_serializer(withdraw)
: m === "deposit"
? balance_serializer(deposit)
: m === "balance"
? balance
: m === "serializer"
? balance_serialier
: error(m, "unknown request -- make_account");
Then deposits are handled as with the original make_account
function deposit(account, amount) {
The problem with Louis Reasoner's idea is everything shares the same serializer - thus, this system easily leads to deadlock as soon as anything concurrent actually tries to happen
Exercise 47
In this exercise we are asked to define semaphores in terms of mutexes and in terms of atomic test_and_set
In terms of mutex:
function makeSemaphore(n) {
let mutex = makeMutex();
let count = 0;
function acquire() {
if (count === n) {
} else {
function release() {
function theSemaphore(m) {
if (m === 'acquire') {
} else if (m === 'release') {
return theSemaphore;
In terms of test_and_set
function makeSemaphore(n) {
let cell = [false];
let count = 0;
function acquire() {
if (count === n) {
} else {
function release() {
function acquireCell() {
if (testAndSet(cell)) {
function clearCell() {
cell[0] = false;
function theSemaphore(m) {
if (m === 'acquire') {
} else if (m === 'release') {
return theSemaphore;
Exercise 48
The deadlock-avoidance method proposed just before this question is asked avoids deadlock since a process wanting to acquire a2 must acquire a1 first, but two processes can not acquire a1 at the same time, which avoids deadlock
function makeAccount(number, balance) {
function withdraw(amount) {
if (balance >= amount) {
balance -= amount;
return balance;
} else {
return "Insufficient funds";
function deposit(amount) {
balance += amount;
return balance;
let protected = makeSerializer();
function dispatch(m) {
if (m === 'withdraw') return protected(withdraw);
if (m === 'deposit') return protected(deposit);
if (m === 'serializer') return protected;
if (m === 'balance') return balance;
if (m === 'number') return number;
throw new Error("Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT " + m);
return dispatch;
function serializedExchange(account1, account2) {
let serializer1 = account1('serializer');
let serializer2 = account2('serializer');
let number1 = account1('number');
let number2 = account2('number');
if (number1 < number2) {
return serializer2(serializer1(exchange))(account1, account2);
} else {
return serializer1(serializer2(exchange))(account1, account2);
Exercise 51
What does the interpreter print in response to the following
let x = stream_map(display, stream_enumerate_interval(0, 10));
stream_ref(x, 5);
stream_ref(x, 7);
It will print
Exercise 52
Consider the following statements
let sum = 0;
function accum(x) {
sum = x + sum;
return sum;
const seq = stream_map(accum, stream_enumerate_interval(1, 20));
const y = stream_filter(is_even, seq);
const z = stream_filter(x => x % 5 === 0, seq);
stream_ref(y, 7);
We are then asked for the changing value of sum
, which is
And the displayed values are
Exercise 53
We're asked to describe the elements of the stream
const s = pair(1, () => add_streams(s, s));
Which would be
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...
Exercise 56
In this problem we want to efficiently list all integers with no prime factors other than 2, 3 or 5. We define a function merge
function merge(s1, s2) {
if (is_null(s1)) {
return s2;
} else if (is_null(s2)) {
return s1;
} else {
const s1head = head(s1);
const s2head = head(s2);
return s1head < s2head
? pair(s1head, () => merge(stream_tail(s1), s2))
: s1head > s2head
? pair(s2head, () => merge(s1, stream_tail(s2)))
: pair(s1head, () => merge(stream_tail(s1), stream_tail(s2)));
Then we can construct the stream with
const S = pair(1, () => merge( scale_stream(S, 2), merge(scale_stream(S, 3), scale_stream(S, 5) ));
Exercise 57
This function asks us how many additions are needed to calculate the nth Fibonacci number for the unoptimised and optimised methods discussed in the book
For the unoptimised method it is
f(n) = n + 1
And for the unoptimised it is
f(n) = f(n - 1) + f(n - 2) + 1
So, quite a big difference!
Exercise 58
Give an interpretation of the following function
function expand(num, den, radix) {
return pair(math_trunc((num * radix) / den),
() => expand((num * radix) % den, den, radix));
It returns a stream composed of digits of a fraction. For example,
expand(1, 7, 10);
1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7, ...
expand(3, 8, 10);
3, 7, 5, 0, 0, 0...
Exercise 63
Louis Reasoner is back and not happy with the performance of the stream produced by sqrt_stream
function and tries to optimise it
function sqrt_stream_optimised(x) {
return pair(1, memo(() => stream_map(guess =>
sqrt_improve(guess, x),
Alyssa P. Hacker proposes
function sqrt_stream_optimised_2(x) {
const guesses = pair(1, memo(() => stream_map(guess =>
sqrt_improve(guess, x),
return guesses;
Alyssa claims hers is much more efficient - she is correct, every time Louis' program is called it produces a new stream, so the memoization is not being properly made use of
Exercise 68
Louis Reasoner once again thinks an implementation is unnecessarily complicated and proposes this solution to pairs
function pairs(s, t) {
return interleave(stream_map(x => list(head(s), x),
pair(stream_tail(s), stream_tail(t)));
If we call pairs(integers, integers)
with this implementation we get an infinite recursion, so it doesn't work!
Exercise 77
We have the following implementation of integral
function integral(integrand, initial_value, dt) {
return pair(initial_value
? null
: integral(stream_tail(integrand),
dt * head(integrand) + initial_value,
Which we want to improve so that it expects integrand
as a delayed argument, like so
function integral(delayedIntegrand, initialValue, dt) {
let integrand = force(delayedIntegrand);
let nextValue = initialValue;
if (streamIsNull(integrand)) {
return theEmptyStream;
} else {
nextValue = nextValue + dt * streamCar(integrand);
return consStream(initialValue, () => integral(delay(delayedIntegrand), nextValue, dt));