Latin Present Indicative Active Verbs

Author: Indigo Curnick

Date: 2025-02-01


See Latin Verbs Basics for an introduction

In this blog we'll cover the conjugations of the Latin present indicative active verb conjugation. To review what that means we need to remember that a verb conjugation is defined by: person, tense, mood and voice.

In this case

And as a reminder of what those mean

Examples of this idea in English are I am running, she eats the cake, he walks to work, they read the textbook and so on.

We'll consider five verbs from each of the conjugations, as well as seven irregular verbs.

First Conjugation


Person amō vocō laudō spectō parō
1st Sing. amō vocō laudō spectō parō
2nd Sing. amās vocās laudās spectās parās
3rd Sing. amat vocat laudat spactat parat
1st Plur. amāmus vocāmus laudāmus spectāmus parāmus
2nd Plur. amātis vocātis laudātis spectātis parātis
3rd Plur. amant vocant laudant spectant parant

Observe that the final a of the stem is sometimes long and sometimes short! Do not miss this detail!

Second Conjugation


Person habeō videō moneō teneō timeō
1st Sing. habeō videō moneō teneō timeō
2nd Sing. habēs vidēs monēs tenēs timēs
3rd Sing. habet videt monet tenet timet
1st Plur. habēmus vidēmus monēmus tenēmus timēmus
2nd Plur. habētis vidētis monētis tenētis timētis
3rd Plur. habent vident monent tenent timent

Again, observe that the final e of the stem is sometimes long and sometimes short! Do not miss this detail!

Third Conjugation


Person dūcō mittō legō scribō vincō
1st Sing. dūcō mittō legō scrībō vincō
2nd Sing. dūcis mittis legis scrībis vincis
3rd Sing. dūcit mittit legit scrībit vincit
1st Plur. dūcimus mittimus legimus scrībimus vincimus
2nd Plur. dūcitis mittitis legitis scrībitis vincitis
3rd Plur. dūcunt mittunt legunt scrībunt vincunt

Fourth Conjugation


Person audiō veniō sciō sentiō aperiō
1st Sing. audiō veniō sciō sentiō aperiō
2nd Sing. audis venīs scīs sentis aperīs
3rd Sing. audit venit scit sentit aperit
1st Plur. audīmus venīmus scīmus sentīmus aperīmus
2nd Plur. audītis venītis scītis sentītis aperītis
3rd Plur. audiunt veniunt sciunt sentiunt aperiunt

Irregular Verbs

Unfortunately, Latin has its own bag of irregular verbs. We can't possibly list all of them now, but here's a few to memorise


Person sum posse ire ferre velle nolle malle
1st Sing. sum possum ēo ferō volō nōlō mālō
2nd Sing. es potes īs fers vīs nōn vis māvīs
3rd Sing. est potest it fert vult nōn vult māvult
1st Plur. sumus possumus īmus ferimus volumus nōlumus mālumus
2nd Plur. estis potestis ītis fertis vultis nōn vultis māvultis
3rd Plur. sunt possunt eunt ferunt volunt nōlunt mālunt

Next Steps

Memorise all of the verb forms here before moving onto the next verb form. Place all of these into Anki - once you've memorised them all this should be enough examples to be able to recognise the verb form in written text.