Author: Indigo Curnick
Date: 2025-02-01
See Latin Verbs Basics for an introduction
In this blog we'll cover the conjugations of the Latin present indicative active verb conjugation. To review what that means we need to remember that a verb conjugation is defined by: person, tense, mood and voice.
In this case
- Tense = present
- Mood = indicative
- Voice = active
And as a reminder of what those mean
- Present: The action or state of being is happening now
- Indicative: The verb is stating a fact about the world
- Active: The subject of the verb performs the action
Examples of this idea in English are I am running, she eats the cake, he walks to work, they read the textbook and so on.
We'll consider five verbs from each of the conjugations, as well as seven irregular verbs.
First Conjugation
amō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum - to love
vocō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum - to call
laudō, -ārē, -āvī, -ātum - to praise
spectō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum - to look at
parō, -āre, -āvī -ātum - to prepare
Person | amō | vocō | laudō | spectō | parō |
1st Sing. | amō | vocō | laudō | spectō | parō |
2nd Sing. | amās | vocās | laudās | spectās | parās |
3rd Sing. | amat | vocat | laudat | spactat | parat |
1st Plur. | amāmus | vocāmus | laudāmus | spectāmus | parāmus |
2nd Plur. | amātis | vocātis | laudātis | spectātis | parātis |
3rd Plur. | amant | vocant | laudant | spectant | parant |
Observe that the final a of the stem is sometimes long and sometimes short! Do not miss this detail!
Second Conjugation
habeō, -ēre, -uī, -itum - to have, to hold
videō, -ēre, vīdī, vīsum - to see
moneō, -ēre, -uī, -itum - to advise, to warn
teneō, -ēre, -uī, -tum - to hold
timeō, -ēre, -uī - to fear (no passive, or past participle, hence only three forms)
Person | habeō | videō | moneō | teneō | timeō |
1st Sing. | habeō | videō | moneō | teneō | timeō |
2nd Sing. | habēs | vidēs | monēs | tenēs | timēs |
3rd Sing. | habet | videt | monet | tenet | timet |
1st Plur. | habēmus | vidēmus | monēmus | tenēmus | timēmus |
2nd Plur. | habētis | vidētis | monētis | tenētis | timētis |
3rd Plur. | habent | vident | monent | tenent | timent |
Again, observe that the final e of the stem is sometimes long and sometimes short! Do not miss this detail!
Third Conjugation
dūcō, -cere, -xī, ductum - to lead
mittō, -ere, mīsi, missum - to send
legō, -ere, lēgī, lēctum - to choose, to read
scrībō, -bere, -psī, -ptum - to write, to draw
vincō, -ere, vīcī, victum - to conquer
Person | dūcō | mittō | legō | scribō | vincō |
1st Sing. | dūcō | mittō | legō | scrībō | vincō |
2nd Sing. | dūcis | mittis | legis | scrībis | vincis |
3rd Sing. | dūcit | mittit | legit | scrībit | vincit |
1st Plur. | dūcimus | mittimus | legimus | scrībimus | vincimus |
2nd Plur. | dūcitis | mittitis | legitis | scrībitis | vincitis |
3rd Plur. | dūcunt | mittunt | legunt | scrībunt | vincunt |
Fourth Conjugation
audiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum - to hear
veniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum - to come
sciō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum - to know
sentiō, -īre, sēnsī, sēnsum - to feel
aperiō, -īre, -uī, -tum - to open
Person | audiō | veniō | sciō | sentiō | aperiō |
1st Sing. | audiō | veniō | sciō | sentiō | aperiō |
2nd Sing. | audis | venīs | scīs | sentis | aperīs |
3rd Sing. | audit | venit | scit | sentit | aperit |
1st Plur. | audīmus | venīmus | scīmus | sentīmus | aperīmus |
2nd Plur. | audītis | venītis | scītis | sentītis | aperītis |
3rd Plur. | audiunt | veniunt | sciunt | sentiunt | aperiunt |
Irregular Verbs
Unfortunately, Latin has its own bag of irregular verbs. We can't possibly list all of them now, but here's a few to memorise
sum, esse, fuī - to be (the most important verb - you MUST memorise this)
posse, -sse, -tuī - to be able
eō, īre, īvī, itum - to go
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum - to carry
volō, velle, voluī - to want
nōlō, -le, -uī - to not want
mālō, -le, -uī - to prefer
Person | sum | posse | ire | ferre | velle | nolle | malle |
1st Sing. | sum | possum | ēo | ferō | volō | nōlō | mālō |
2nd Sing. | es | potes | īs | fers | vīs | nōn vis | māvīs |
3rd Sing. | est | potest | it | fert | vult | nōn vult | māvult |
1st Plur. | sumus | possumus | īmus | ferimus | volumus | nōlumus | mālumus |
2nd Plur. | estis | potestis | ītis | fertis | vultis | nōn vultis | māvultis |
3rd Plur. | sunt | possunt | eunt | ferunt | volunt | nōlunt | mālunt |
Next Steps
Memorise all of the verb forms here before moving onto the next verb form. Place all of these into Anki - once you've memorised them all this should be enough examples to be able to recognise the verb form in written text.