
These courses should expand in future, and new ones will be added all the time.

Basic Physics

Introductory physics material. Will need a basic understanding of calculus for these posts, but nothing beyond a comprehensive school level. This course is still under development, and is subject to change

  1. Kinematics
  2. Dynamics
  3. Fields
  4. Rotation
  5. Oscillations and Waves
  6. Circuits
  7. Thermal Physics

Basic Mathematics

Introductory mathematics course, for absolute beginners. This course is still under development, and is subject to change

  1. Numbers
  2. Linear Equations
  3. Quadratic Equations
  4. Distance and Angles
  5. Angles on Parallel Lines
  6. Area
  7. Coordinates
  8. Trigonometry
  9. Complex Numbers